There will always have to be some form of payback here government investment can no longer be viewed as an end in itself. With the huge debt levels of western economies science must have a payback.
We should expect an ever increasing progress in the recycling of all materials. In the field of farm plastic recycling net wrap a high density material which is used to hold together feed for cattle and sheep has long been the thorn in the side of many collection agents because of the problems that have been associated with it's recycling. The material has a mesh like form which does it's job of holding hay bales together fantastically well, however the same strength of bonding power holds contamination levels far higher than most plastics in this field.
The straw tends to be a problem when recycling to make pellet for recycled plastic. However with advances in technology there is a growing market for the material to be recycled into it's constituent elements to make a petroleum substitute.
Packaging will almost always be a major issue with over a quarter of UK consumption being in the packaging industry. Plant technologies will have a big part to play here as more washing plants are introduced the ability to transform these more highly contaminated materials into reusable commodities.
Secondly - Increased Public Awareness
Here both government, industry, parents and guardians all have their part to play. The resources available to the coming generations are not of the level that we had when we entered our youth. Educators and parents have the ability to install a reuse and recycle culture rather than the one use disposable culture that we live in at present.
The marketing of the business sector will also help as the public awareness of a corporations actions become more and more visible under the spotlight of the computer age.
Thirdly - Localisation Rather Than Globalisation
WOuld reduce the volume of low cost imported goods lowering the strain on the worlds transportation systems and reducing the global demand on travel fuel usage. It seems simple but you can help your local economy by buying meat fruit and vegetables locally at a grocers or butchers. You can even make a triple carbon saving if you walk and take your own packaging.
Fourth - Produce And Use More Biofuel
Recycling waste oil technology is readily available for the recycling of both used cooking oils and engine oils into reusable heating oil's or biodiesels. This technology is becoming stronger and stronger with growing strains of oils becoming more likely to have a second life. These fuels should be able to be used for the collection of more oils creating a closed loop in the recycling process and the transportation of other materials for reuse in new fields.
Fifth - Actually Using Recycled Plastics
Helping the consumer become aware of the benefits both in terms of cost, usability and ecological impact is the joint responsibility of government and industry in the UK WRAP the government funded body is doing a fantastic job of promoting new technology and applications as they come to the market.
Adapting technologies to suit market place needs is the part of business which is also being done with greater success. The production process continues to evolve and previous landfill grade material can be recycled into boards with an expectant life of twenty years which themselves have the ability to be recycled at end of life to produce yet further boards. The process involved here is called powder impression moulding which has been used to produce such ecologically friendly boards, it works like a giant toasted sandwich maker moulding the plastics into a rigid and wonderful cladding material.
Other high density recycled sheets with more flexibility are also readily available for purchase. These are generally higher cost but also fully recyclable in the future.
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